Lashbox LA Superhero Adhesive
We are proud to carry the best in best in the lash biz! Lashbox LA is now available for purchase in-store and online at The Lash Co!
SUPERHERO glue has great retention and significantly helps to reduce time and amount of work. For humid climates or in the summer may require a professional dehumidifier. Recommended for dry climates and for advanced artists that work very quickly.
Superhero Iconic Bond Adhesive is recommended for low humidity. This adhesive works best in humidity between 25%-45% and temperature between 69-72 °F. Recommended humidity and temperature for optimum results: 40% humidity and 70-72°F.
Retention - 7-8 weeks
- Viscosity - Thin
- Color - Seamless Black
- Fumes - Minimal
- Structure - Flexible
Dry Time(s):
25-45% Humidity (1 sec), 45-60% Humidity (0.5 sec), 60% Humidity (Immediately; not recommended)
Shelf Life: Opened bottles: 30 days ; Unopened bottles: 6 months